Meet The Blogger: Susan K Mann

Here at BlogOn we like nothing more than showcasing different bloggers and their wonderful blogs. This weeks blogger is Susan from Susan K Mann. If you fancy being featured on Meet the blogger then please email

Susan K Mann

Name – Susan Mann

Blog – Susan K Mann

Blog Url:







How long have you been blogging and what made you start?

I started my blog on the 21st January 2010. My friend on twitter and I toyed with the idea of starting a blog and supported each other, we both started around the same time.  I wanted to blog about the different aspects of my life. I was just back from maternity leave to full-time work and struggling a bit. I had two kids one just turned 1 and one just turned 3.

What do you wish you had known before you started?

To organise it better and don’t worry about those that are negative towards it.

What one tip would you give to a new blogger?

I would tell them to go for it. Write a few posts to begin with and plan what you’d like to write about. Go with something you are passionate about and have lots to say on the matter. But, you don’t have to stick with the one subject. I blog about all aspects of my life, I have yet to run out of things to talk about. It takes time to build up a blog, look at other blogs on the subject you’ve chosen, pick a theme and go for it. You will make some wonderful friends along the way I know I have. Always be yourself, blog for yourself and don’t try to be anyone else, you are the best you.

What is the most surprising thing you have learned since you started blogging?

That you can form some amazing and best friendships through the blogging community.

What is the best thing about blogging?

Definitely the friendships I’ve made online and offline. They have been the best bit about blogging.

What new skills have you learned since you started blogging?

I have certainly focussed a lot more on writing and using it as a creative outlet, so much so I have done a few courses in creative writing.

What is the most unusual thing you have done/received because of blogging?

One of my favourite was when I got to stay overnight at Alnwick castle and have high tea with the duchess. This was a magical experience. I have loved every minute of blogging.

What has been your proudest blogging achievement so far?

I think getting to 1 year and not having given up. I have been going over 8 years and it is hard, there have been times I’ve thought about stopping, but I think of the memories I’ve preserved and the experiences we have had. It has been incredible.

What is your blogging goal for the next year?

To keep going and keep blogging.

What will you be doing in 5 years time?

I will probably still be blogging, but I’d like to have my kids fiction book published.

Will we see you at a BlogOn event this year?


If Yes, What do you hope to learn more about at BlogOn?

More about how to improve my blogging and possibly venturing more in Youtube.

If you enjoyed this why not check out last weeks Meet the Blogger Mama Geek.