Create a schedule that works for your content

11 – Create a schedule that works for your content
When running a blog and social channels or even just social channels, it is easy to let it take over your life. The constant need to be seen online is exhausting and after over 10 years I have still not found a balance that works all of the time. I feel I am either neglecting myself, neglecting my blog or neglecting my socials. Mostly my socials!
When I get really busy I have to be strict with myself and set myself a schedule so that I can plan out what I need to do. This mostly revolves around having to take photos in daylight so they are nearly always left until the weekend. I also tend to write deadlines in my diary with a few days’ grace so I aim to have them done before they are actually due. I use scheduling software such as the built-in scheduler in WordPress for blog content or Later for Instagram content and this allows me to be overly productive on a weekend when no one else is up and yet it spreads this productivity out across the week. This is really useful if you know you have a busy few weeks coming up.
So how do you know what to do when?
When it comes to your social channels they are all pretty clever and the insights that you can find in our profile will show you the optimal time to post content based on your followers. The preferred way to post is to do it manually so you can spend a bit of time interacting on the app before and after posting. This doesn’t mean that you can’t prepare though and you can either set the posts up in Later but have them set to not auto-post or you can save them as drafts in Instagram and set an alarm on your phone for the right time.
Insights can also tell you the best day to post so if you only post a few times a week you can plan it around those days.
I very rarely post ‘live’ content as I prefer to take the time, choose a photo and think about what I want to say, but as far as Instagram is concerned it is definitely not my speciality. Stories and Reels both do really well, especially at the moment but my life isn’t that interesting that I think people will want to see me sitting at my desk all day or nipping on the drive to the school run.
Content schedule
I have already covered creating a content schedule in a previous post and this is an ideal way of ensuring you can space out advert content with search-friendly content. Utilise the list that you created from the article wondering what to write and you have some ready-made content ideas for you to fill your blog.
Do you have a set content schedule?