Thinking about starting a blog?

35 – Thinking about starting a blog?
If you don’t currently have your own site and you are thinking of starting one then here are a few things you should consider.
What will you write about?
Choosing your site niche is an important step. Although some sites wont have a niche having one will allow you to rank easier and keep you focused.
What other sites in a similar niche are out there?
Checking out the competition and seeing what content allows them to rank well will help you to plan your content
What will you call your site?
Choosing a site name and then a domain name that goes with it is an important step. You want something that tells people what your site is about as well help to show your authority on a subject.
Plan your site structure
What categories will you write about? Plan these before you get started.
Brainstorm your blog posts
What posts should you be writing? Think about your key topics and spread out from there. Create posts that answer questions people want to know or that show people how to do something. Step by step guides, recipes, instructions and informational posts all work well for SEO and your readers.
What platform should you use?
I am a huge fan of self hosted WordPress as it allows you to add plugins and make it look great. There are lots of hosts available but we recommend as we have a six month free code – BlogOn21 so you have 6 months to try it out before you start paying. We can also help you to create the site using our template site offer –