How to make yourself seen by companies – by Clare at Emmy’s Mummy

Hopefully you’ve now come away from BlogOn buzzing with excitement, with pages of notes for your next projects, tips on things you want to change or do differently or perhaps you now have a clearer idea of things you want to improve upon after hearing from our experts on these topics. 

Everyone comes to our conferences with different aspects they want to get out of it – whether you are there to attend all the sessions you possibly can, to meet with friends and socialise, to meet with the fabulous brands we have in attendance or just for the goodie bags with are so talked about now – being so relaxed we wanted to ensure you had fun while also getting the best out of your day no matter where you are on your blogging journeys/careers.

Now you have relaxed, put your feet up and unpacked your goodie bags it’s a perfect opportunity to share some tips on making yourself seen to companies/brands.

Why not start with those you’ve just met at BlogOn?

You’ll have chatted with them, written down your details and even handed over your buisness cards but what now?

Yes, many of them will be getting in touch with you or answering those emails you may have already sent but will they remember who you were amoungst a sea of faces? (they were just as over-whelmed at times as you all were and they couldn’t reach for the wine unti they were off duty!)

A few tips to help:

    •    Was there a product which stood out? A brand you would LOVE to work with?

Let them know – look back and see if you took a picture – pop it on IG and tag them in, or of you could tweet them or let your facebook followers know of this amazing find.
Tag in the company and tell everyone what you liked about it

    •    Write about your day with us at BlogOn

We will have a Linky for these posts so we can all see what you enjoyed most, why not share your favourite brands in the post and tag them in when sharing on social media

    •    Include hashtags

Does that brand have a hashtag for a particular toy/range? Use it – when the brand searches it you’ll name will pop up. Of course remember to use ours too so we can also see

    •    Follow them on social media

Go that little bit further, follow them and them type them a message on their social media pages, for example: “It was lovely to meet you at @BlogOn, I’ve been talking about xyz item and it’s now on our Christmas lists” (of course write your own message, it will look rediculous if 200 blog pages or twitter accounts start all sending the same message)

    •    Did you get a contact email for that brand?

Don’t wait for them to get in touch. Send them a message and if there is one particular product you would like to review/feature let them know but sell yourself at the same time – tell they why you liked it, how you can feature it and what you could do differently from all the others who will be sending similar emails. Make yours stand out.

    •    Don’t swear

Not many of you will be doing this but if a brand were to search your twitter feed what do they see? Are you shouting about bad service at every possible opportunity? It may not look great. Are you swearing about someone being booted out of BB – maybe keep these to a different account instead.