Top Tips for Creating a Great Blog

Ever look at a blog and think “how do they do it?” well, here are a few tips for you to mull over…

Use images 

Although your readers have come to your blog to read great content, visual additions to a blog post can make a huge difference.  Use images from your Instagram feed, photos you have taken or free stock images online.  Do not take images from other blogs and post them to your own without permission and without crediting the original creator.

Social Media Icons

Make sure that your social media pages are linked on your blog. The best way is social media icons near the top of the page.

About Page

Having an About page on your blog is a great way to engage with readers and let them know a bit more about who you are.  It can be a summary of what your blog focuses on, why you are blogging or about yourself and your family, if you wish.  If you are looking to work with brands and PR companies, your About page can tell them a lot of information too.

Join Blogging Groups

There are many blogging communities online through forums and even Facebook.  Do not be afraid to join in and ask questions.  Most bloggers are happy to help and share advice and contacts with others. Just remember to do the same wherever you can and be polite.

Find your voice – be yourself

Unless you are using your blog as a means of creative writing, it is always best to let your own voice and personality come through in your own words.

Respond to comments

If someone has taken the time to read your blog and left a comment, it is only polite that you respond in turn.  This shows your readers that your blog is a friendly and welcoming space online which you welcome discussions and can build a community of readers.

Keeping Updated

Once you start a blog it can sometimes be tricky getting the balance of how often you update your blog quite right.  Some bloggers update every day, others once a week.  Work out a pattern which works for you and try to stick with it as your readers will welcome a regular update.  Of course, life things, work, family and emergencies can get in the way.  That is when scheduled posting and having a bank of draft posts comes in very handy!

Attend Blogging Conferences

Getting out from behind a computer screen and meeting other bloggers can seem daunting to many.  However, it can be a fantastic way to get to know others and make friends, spread the word about your blog and learn from others how to take your blog to the next level.  

Blog On has two conferences in 2015 which are a great way to break the ice and not feel too overwhelmed.

“Written by Vicky Winstanley (”